
The HoDoMS Committee recognises that the role of a Head of Department is challenging and demanding. Sometimes Heads are faced with major issues within their institutions about which they might wish to seek assistance from HoDoMS, or indeed would just like to discuss with another Head of Mathematical Sciences. In such circumstances Heads are most welcome to contact the Chair (, or any of the officers below.

Current Officers

Chair: Professor Mary McAlinden,
Nottingham Trent University
Vice-Chair: Professor John Parker,
Durham University
Secretary: Dr Andrey Umerski,
The Open University
Treasurer: Professor Gunnar Hornig,
University of Dundee

Committee Members

Professor Andrew Hazel, The University of Manchester
Professor Rachel Bearon, University of Liverpool
Professor Alex Belton, University of Plymouth
Professor Anthony Mulholland, University of Bristol
Professor Helen Wilson, University College London
Professor Vitaly Moroz, Swansea University

Co-opted Representatives

Professor Michael Grove, University of Birmingham (IMA)
Professor Jon Forster, University of Warwick (RSS)
Professor Tara Brendle, University of Glasgow (EdMS)
Professor Dylan Jones, University of Portsmouth (OR Society )
Professor John Parker, Durham University (LMS)
Jennifer Gunn (CMS )

Subscriptions and communications

HoDoMS currently has approximately 50 members from the (roughly) 80 Departments/sub-Departments of Mathematical Sciences across the UK. There is a small annual membership fee for Departments which covers operating costs and allows HoDoMS to undertake occasional projects on behalf of the community it represents. New members are welcome: for queries about subscriptions please contact the Treasurer.

Communications are carried out via two email lists. is used for items for information or discussion while is used for advertising conferences, new positions, etc. To request to join these lists please contact the Chair.